3 Reasons to Lie Down Before Setting Up Camp

After a long day of hiking with a heavy pack, it's tempting to lie down as soon as you arrive at a camping spot. Well I'm here to tell you to give in to temptation. Drop everything and hit the ground as soon as you roll in. Here's why.

1. It Will Help You Recover

After miles of hiking, you deserve a break. Help your muscles recover by taking a drink, doing some stretching and then, yes, lying down. Lie on the ground with your feet elevated, either by resting them on your pack, on a large rock or against a tree. While there are conflicting opinions on this now, elevating legs after a grueling workout was once thought to help drain lactic acid and improve circulation. Even if putting your feet up doesn't have the physical impact it was once believed to have, doing so will still make you feel great. I mean, you get to lie down.

2. It Will Help You Find a Place to Pitch Your Tent

Choosing the perfect spot to set up your tent can be tricky if you don't actually know what the ground feels like. In addition to giving you time to relax, lying down can help you find a comfortable area to set up your tent. Think about the angle you're on and how the ground feels when you assume your go-to sleeping position — on your back, your stomach or your side. Finding a comfortable spot to pitch your tent will hopefully set you up for a restful night of sleep so you can get back at it again in the morning.

Lie Down Before Setting Up Camp

3. It Will Help You Remember That You Like Nature

You backpack because you like being outside. But this can be easy to forget, especially after spending miles tripping over rocks and roots, getting a beat down from the sun or inclement weather and cursing your way through elevation gains. Once you find a spot to set up for the night, forget about camp chores and lie down, instead. Find your zen and be completely in the moment, even if only for a minute or two.

Learn more about how to test your camping spot by lying down on the ground first:

posted by
Lauren Seidl
Blogger at Sierra
Lauren enjoys hiking, camping, climbing and exploring the outdoors. She's always up for trying something new, especially if it involves getting outside. When Lauren isn't out finding adventures in her home state of Colorado, she can be found writing as Sierra's blogger.
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