The Simple Hack Every Clean Campsite Needs

It's hard to keep a clean campsite. Marshmallow fingers, camping food and a lack of running water all make creating a mess far too easy. Paper towels are a necessary luxury when it comes to car camping, but on windy days they can make matters worse.

If you're not a fan of sticky fingers or chasing rogue paper towels, we have just the camp hack for you. To keep paper towels right where you need them, all you need is some paracord, a roll of paper towels and a large rubber band. A picnic table is ideal, but if you don't have access to one, you could rig this up on a camp chair or a sturdy surface.

clean campsite paper towel

Thread the paracord through the paper towel roll. Tie the paracord to the picnic table (or surface of your choice). Add a rubber band to prevent the roll from coming undone in the wind. When you're finished, your clean campsite setup should look something like this.

Clean campsite

This is just one simple way to make cleaning up messes at camp a little easier. Check out our YouTube video to see Justin Fricke of The Bro'd Trip show you how it's done.

Want more ideas on how to make camping easier? Take a look at these videos:

5 Camping Hacks

DIY Overhead Gear Storage

Campfire Tips

5 Camping Upgrades

Family Camping: How to Choose a Campsite
posted by
Lauren Seidl
Blogger at Sierra
Lauren enjoys hiking, camping, climbing and exploring the outdoors. She's always up for trying something new, especially if it involves getting outside. When Lauren isn't out finding adventures in her home state of Colorado, she can be found writing as Sierra's blogger.
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