Bourbon Peach Cobbler Recipe

Prior to moving to Colorado a few years ago, there were a few different foods and beverages that I associated with the state. Among them were the Denver omelet, game meat like bison and elk, green chili, lamb and rocky mountain oysters (which as you know, are not oysters). Oh, and of course --Colorado is legendary for its wonderful variety of craft breweries. Upon settling in my new home state, I also learned of another iconic food that Colorado is known for: Palisade Peaches.

peach cobbler recipe

Like most people (who are not native to Colorado) I automatically associate peaches with Georgia. How could Colorado grow the same fruit that's so widely produced and celebrated in the south (in a totally different climate)? It turns out that the western slope (and town of Palisade) is the perfect place for fruit trees to flourish, and the peach is Colorado's prized crop. Peaches are so celebrated, in fact, that huge peach festivals take place each August in various parts of the state (even one in my town of Lafayette!).

These fruity festivals typically feature all kinds of different foods and drinks made with Palisade peaches. I've seen peach and pork tacos (yum!), grilled chicken with peaches and even peach pizza! Although these fruits provide a surprisingly delicious addition to savory dishes, they definitely shine in sweet treats. Folks seem to happy to stand in line for as long as it takes to get their hands on homemade peach ice cream, peach smoothies, peach pie and my favorite --peach cobbler.

peach cobbler recipe

I typically stock up on Palisade peaches by the dozen during this time of year (and freeze tons of slices to use for future baking opportunities). While I love all things peach (especially peaches by themselves), I think there's nothing better than a delicious homemade, juicy, sweet peach cobbler. And my favorite cooking vessel for peach cobbler is a cast iron skillet. Cast iron is great because it's durable, efficient and requires less oil than other cooking vessels.

peach cobbler recipe

Another very important ingredient to this cobbler is bourbon. You don't have to go buy a super expensive bottle of bourbon, but use one that you would like to drink. (And, if the mood strikes, enjoy a nice bourbon on the rocks alongside your slice of peach cobbler.) If you're not a huge bourbon fan, you don't have to include it in this recipe (but trust me -- it's an amazing addition).

I mentioned above that I don't think it gets much better than homemade peach cobbler, but I forgot to add one very important detail. Be SURE to top it off with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream.

peach cobbler recipe

Bourbon Peach Cobbler Recipe

Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Cook Time: 45-50 Minutes

Bourbon Peach Cobbler Ingredients

- 3 cups sliced peaches (about 4 medium peaches)

- 1.5 oz. bourbon

- 1/4 cup brown sugar (or maple sugar)

- 2 TBSP maple syrup

- 1 tsp vanilla

- 4 TBSP melted butter

- 1 egg

- 1 cup whole wheat or oat flour

- 1-1/2 tsp baking powder

- 1/2 tsp salt

- 1/4 tsp cinnamon

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Place peach slices, bourbon, brown sugar, maple syrup and vanilla into a large bowl and stir well. Set aside. In a smaller bowl, whisk together melted butter and egg for about one minute. Pour mixture into bowl with peaches and stir well.

In another bowl, combine flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon and whisk ingredients together. Slowly add the flour mixture into the bowl with the peach mixture, stirring well with a wooden spoon. Continue to stir until all ingredients are incorporated and you have a thick batter.

Pour batter into a well-oiled 12" cast iron skillet (or baking dish). Place into the oven and cook for 45-50 minutes (until middle is cooked all the way through). Remove from oven and let cool for at least 15 minutes before serving. For best results, serve with vanilla ice cream.

*All photos courtesy Lauren Martin
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Lauren Martin
As a member of #TeamSierra, Lauren Martin receives promotional consideration from Sierra Trading Post. Lauren is a full-time Social and Digital Media Manager for a Colorado-based natural foods company and part-time Spinning and Bodypump Instructor. Her passions include hiking, biking, brewing kombucha, cooking healthy food (that doesn't taste healthy) and running around with her two Golden Retrievers. You can follow her on Instagram or on her blog, Me and the Mountains.
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